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From Montreal to Silicon Valley?

Shapeshift 3D has been selected to take part in the Canadian Technology Accelerators (CTA) in Silicon Valley!

The Canadian Technology Accelerator is a business development program that helps early stage Canadian technology (ICT) startups and SMEs with access to the unique resources of Silicon Valley to achieve business objectives such as acquiring clients, establishing strategic partnerships and fundraising from Silicon Valley investors.

Silicon Valley is known as a leading global hub for technology and entrepreneurship. The world's largest high-tech corporations can be found in this area : Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and more. The Silicon Valley CTA program provides an entry point to qualified Canadian technology firms seeking funding, partnerships and business development services.

Shapeshift 3D will have the chance to talk virtually with American technology leaders and attend workshops on the latest advances in AI for 8 weeks starting on the 27th of July !

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